Is it possible to bend a curve to simulate a bended wire?

Hi there,

I have a special task where I'd like to use my Corel Draw for: I have to "simulate" a bended wire. Let me explain it a bit better. I have nearly a half circle, more a not-perfect U. And I have to "bend" it, so that one end, along with all nodes up to the "bowl" of that circle is moved to the left. The opening of the circle will get wider and that bended end will end up lower as before. Similar to a thin U-shaped wire that is pulled on one end, but not on the other.

As in reality the length of the curve mustn't change, only the shape itself.

Is there a possibility to do that in Draw?


Thanks in advance


  • ElaMela said:
    the length of the curve mustn't change

    I don't think there is an "easy" answer to this one -- at least, not via the user interface.

    The only option I can think of that preserves length is rotate. You could break your U shape into two or more pieces, move the rotation point to where they join and rotate to a new position. That would preserve the length, but the bend would not be smooth and any attempt to smooth it would change the length.

    But you could possibly create a VBA macro. VBA can measure the length of a curve, but cannot directly set it. So, it could perhaps determine that the curve is now 1% too long and scale the whole curve down by the corresponding amount to restore the overall length.

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