Save as Corel Draw version 4

I have Corel Draw X5 and I have one question if someone can help me. One of my clients needs file to be saved as Corel 4 version (not X4 but 4, old one I know ;-) )His engraving machine can import only Corel Draw 4 files!? Is there any way in X5 to save file as version 4?
Thanks in advance.

  • If X5 the X5 "save as" dropdown does not go back as far as v4, you would need to save back to another version (eg v11) and then find somebody with v11 to open the file in that version and save it back to v4.

    Doing that would be a nuisance and doubles the potential for degrading the information. A better answer would be to find another format that the engraver will accept -- postscript level 2 perhaps -- and export to that.
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