Cannot move object once placed on desktop (X6 WIN 10) Did I accidently lock out cursor movement?

Once I put something down on desktop, I cannot move it! I can shift it with Transformation and change colours and rotate - everything else but actually move it freely with the cursor.

What has happened? Did I hit a button somewhere that locks out any further movement once an object is created?

I also noted that opening up any prior Corel X6 file does the same thing - I can adjust all obects, including move them from different layers, use transformation to shift a specific distance, etc, rotate object, change colour and even use node edit to distort shapes, but cannot merely click on the object and move it with my cursor to another location.  When I slect an object wth arrow cursor, the handles appear, but it locked for free movement..  It is like the mouse driven cursor has no effect on any object added to the design

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