the thousands separator

Just a tiny, tiny niggle. Can I get rid of the thousands separator in the Resample and Paper Size dialog boxes? Dunno whose idea it was to include it but I find it kinda gets in the way Tongue Tied.

  • Its microsoft's idea I think, not Corel's, and I agree -- for everyday purposes using numbers of 6 digits or less it just gets in the way. Though if you are dealing in very larke numbers like the distance of the earth from the moon in millions then it can be useful.

    I don't think you can remove it altogether, but you can change it to something else (such as a space).

    It is set in control panel > regional and language and on the Format tab go to Additional Settings. The character is defined under "digit grouping symbol".

    This is for Windows 7. XP is very similar but the exact wording may differ.


  • shelley said:
    Can I get rid of the thousands separator in the Re-sample and Paper Size dialog boxes?

    Yes, you can. But this change will apply across your system and not only in CorelDRAW. Every application will then display numbers without separator.

    If this is fine with you, then try this...

    Assuming you have Windows 7, Go to Start > Control Panel > Regional and Language....

    In the dialog that opens up, you'll see first tab as "Formats". Under this, there is a button "Additional settings..." Click this button and you'll see a dialog as attached herewith. Over here look for 4th option that reads "Digit grouping" and in the drop-down for this option select the first option that reads "123456789", Without any separator symbol.Click "Apply" and close all dialogs.

    Restart CorelDRAW.