not sure what your question is. This, I'm pretty sure, is free vector clipart from Microsoft.
about a minute on Google
it was an od file (2008) and you can download it for free from Wikimedia Commons ( and if you want, I attached the file as CDR
sorry but this is and old file (2008) from Wikimedia Commons, you can download the SVG for free and open with CorelDRAW (attached file)
5025.Graphic 17.rar
kasbarg said:This is my next project with freehand
Good luck on your project. I am not sure of what you are trying to accomplish or explain.. Perhaps you can elaborate a little further.
Interesting that you like the Freehand tool. We all have our favourites.
Why don't you open up a Gallery of your own, here on, to show your work.
Here's how to do it.
kasbarg said: This is my next jobPlease tell us your viewsAll these things are tools freehand
I am curious as to what Freehand smoothing setting you use for your work? I always have difficulty in that area. Do you change any of the Outline pen settings?
Ronny Axelsson said: Why don't you open up a Gallery of your own, here on, to show your work. Here's how to do it.
They have a 50mb limit?!
Hello kasbarg; You need to watch what you put your name on, most art is Copyrighted.