Corel X6 graphic suit 64 bit Special edition (OME) that runs with Windows 7. Scannen (WIA)?

Hello I have purchased Corel X6 graphic suit 64 bit Special edition (OME)  that runs with Windows 7.
I have a new HP Scanjet 300, can some one tel me were i can get the download that intrigates the scanner into Corel Draw and Corel Paint
I have tried to install the update for X6.1
but it refuses to intall it because it is the wrong X6 version.

  • Hello,

    I presume you need to use the TWAIN, via File-Aquire-Scan/twain.

    Unfortunately big scanner manufacturers such as HP and Canon and Epson etcetera, often have neglected to create a driver for 64 bit scanners. I wrote a blog post about this, back when X6 was released.

    There are two solutions for you. One is to use the WIA scanner feature in X6, 64 bit.

    Or the great third party plugin for scanning, much better than WIA standard. From Softboz

    Or look for the scanner software program that might be on a DVD in the original scanner package., Alternatively go to HP driver website and look for everything regarding your scanner.
    • Thanks for the info
      I have downloaded the 15 day Trial from Softboz and it works in Draw but the icon is not showing in Paint.

      Here is whats on the product DVD

      • Dear Kesart,
        The problem is that TWAIN is a 32-bit interface, so won't work with a 64-bit version of Draw.
        There are several possible solutions. When you install the scanner, it should offer a WIA inerface - but on my Epson scanner it is very limited.
        Or you could install the 32-bit version of PP (that's one option I use) and use it just for scanning.
        Or, as Stefan suggest, use another software for scanning - I use Silverfast, which works to 64 bits and does a LOT more.
        • For the plugin from Softboz, you need to talk to them. But read my old blog, explains what both myself, and now also ajwh have said: Twain missing in 64 bit.

          • I have checked out Draw and PhotoPaint,  both are running with 64Bit, why it working in Paint and not in Draw?

            Both have the option WIA control

            In Draw  the option WIA control is shown but not working, it dose the opening sequence but thats it. the offer to get the image (Holen) is not activated.(see Images)


            In Paint  the option WIA control is shown but also not working, it dose the opening sequence but thats it. the offer to get the image (Holen) is activated and works, when I click on it the HP scan frame opens and it works. (See Images)

            • Hi,

              I´m sorry, but right now, I dont understand why you can not scan with WIA in CorelDRAAW, when you can scan using Photo-Paint. And I just uninstalled X6 two weeks ago. I am currently using X7 and X8. So I can not test on my own end. But, that said, you should be able to scan using WIA in both CorelDRAW and Photo-Paint.
              • Hi, I discontinued the scanner control quite awhile back because Corel had it handled in X6.1. By the looks of your menus, you are using what is in Corel and not my control. I was using WIA 1.0 and Corel was using 2.0. Did you get my old control to work in CorelDRAW?