New Free Macro - Feathered Edges on Vector Shapes

Attached is a free macro which allows the user to draw a vector shape and give it a feathered edge. The macro allows the user to adjust feathering and opacity and it came about as a result of the discussion in this thread:

A Suggestion for a "WOW" effect for the New Corel Draw X7


Please click on the small grey button at the right of the macro for help on how to use the macro. The macro currently only works on shapes with Uniform CMYK fills. I intend to bring out a revised version of the macro which can handle various fill types/colour models if I can pull it off.

Best regards,

No Data
  • Hey Brian,

    You indeed are a Genious!

    I just tried your Macro and it works perfect even for the RGB and Grey scale!!

    I guess, you might had worked on my first idea, developing the "drop Shadow effect" and you have achieved this WOW extension of this tool!!  :-)


    Here is what i did:

    I only clicked the button to open your Macro in my Corel

    and after that, i did all the control of color and so on with the Drop shadow "Settings Toolbar" that showed up above, as i was playing with my circle.

    Thank you very much and I love your Macro. :-)


    Can you extend this a little bit more so we can also apply the "interactive fill tool" on it and get two colors on the same object?

    Or maybe i ask to much  ;-)


    Thank you you did an EXCELLENT job!


    ~ Evros (corelXpert)



