no pdf settings available

When I export to pdf I don't have any of the options that I have had in previous versions. I can only export a single page, no ability to do full document, alter color settings or quality or anything else. Does anyone know how I can get these export options?



Parents Reply
  • The official H&S comparison for X6 is behind this image:


    It is still quite vague, but you can sum it up by assuming that it lacks everything that's more likely to be needed by commercial users than most home and student users.

    Considering the special price, the restrictions are totally reasonable, but they are not clearly disclosed by the companies that sell them. Some sellers are more honest than others, and Amazon currently states "This product is not currently offered by because a customer recently told us that the item he or she received was not as described." after a customer review pointed out the undisclosed limtations.



