I would like to know if there's a tool or what methods you people use to only partially hide the outline of an object but without merging the two objects together or breaking any of the two objects apart(?)..i want to rest one object on top of the other and hide portions of the outline where the two meet, something like this: http://s14.postimage.org/xohhcdesh/g2syk2fv.jpg
Hello dgrin; You can add "Transparency" to what ever you are looking to hide.
Here are three possible methods:
SignGuy's suggestion could also work. You'll likely need to add a gradient transparency with a hard transition where you want the outline to stop showing.
Copy the wing. Paste it. Break open the curve. Delete the part you don't want to see. Select the original wing object and remove the outline. Now you should have in the Objects docker:
Unfilled partial outlineOriginal wingBird body
Oh, forgot... Group the outline and wing so that you don't accidentally move them separately...