How to search for a colour in CorelDraw X6

I'm looking for a way to search for a PMS colour in coreldraw X6. When I open the fill command, I'm presented with a number of different ways to choose a colour, but I cannot search for one. I have the pantone colour 174U and I'd like to be able to type it in and have it show. I do not know the cmky, or rgb values. I can view all kinds of pantone systems, but they are not in numerical order so I can't search that way either. Is there some area I'm missing that lets me type in the 174U and it shows up?

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  • If you have your Pantone color palette open, you can also hold your cursor over any color, hold down the Shift button and then click on a any color and a search box will pop up. Just type in your PMS color number in that box and it will move your cursor to that exact color you searched for in that particular palette.
