Importing text as artistic text, not paragraph text



I need to import DXF files to Corel, but when I import them, the text appear as paragraph text, not as artistic text...that's not a problem if the paragraph text includes all the text...but it do not do that. Some texts appears as paragraph with red lines (so it is not possible to see it, as well as not possible to convert directly to artistic with Ctrl+F8). Also, some paragraph text appear as 2 lines instead of just one, because it do not feed in wide but yes in height.

I would like to import the text directly as artistic...or as paragraph, but with the same appearance of the original DXF file.


Thanks for your replies and best regards,

  • Does DXF have a paragraph text format?

    I suspect from your description of what happens, either DXF does not fully support paragraph text , or whatever program created your DXF inserted hard returns when it expored the text.

    CorelDraw can at most import what you have in the DXF, so if the DXF doesn't define the text as paragraph text you will get at best the text rendered as artistic with predefined line breaks, or at worst, an individual line of text for every line in the paragraph.

    A multi-line text object is easily converted to paragraph in CorelDraw, but a series of individual lines is a real pain to deal with.


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