Symbol libraries

I have two questions about symbols...

1. I've created 4 symbols and placed 200 instances of them.
The symbols were originally created inside the CDR file. (and are still stored in it)
I have now exported the symbols to a CSL - how do I re-link the symbols to the CSL file?

2. How do I edit the CSL file so that the symbols are updated in the CDR file(s)?
I've opened the CSL file, edited the symbols and saved it.
Then I re-open the CDR file expecting the symbols to be updated - but they are not.

Parents Reply
  • Please download this CSL file, it only contains one rectangle, 100 x 100 mm in size.

    Create new document in coreldraw.
    Symbol manager docker, Local symbols, Add Library and select downloaded CSL file.
    Now place that 100x100mm rect in you doc, save it as "test 100 x 100.cdr" and close it.

    Now, how do you edit the CSL file (say, change rect to 50 x 50) so that when you
    open the "test 100 x 100.cdr" it now contains the 50x50 rect, and not 100x100 anymore?

    When I edit the CSL file and then reopen CDR file it doesn't update anything.


    Oh, and how come  you have any symbols listed when "Symbols" is selected?
    (In Symbol manager "Untitled-1, Local Symbols, Symbols, Network Symbols").
    (Symbols looks a bit grayed, like it is selected).

    I get a listing of symbols either by clicking on "Untitled-1" (with internal symbols)
    or on "test 100 x 100.csl" under "Local Symbols", but I get nothing when clicking on "Symbols"
