Subscript with font increase 33%

Hello !

Can anyone help me, I want


(i) Subscript selected text

(ii) increase font size 33%

(iii) Same for Superscript


It can by Macro or anything other idea....

  • Before OpenType fonts superscript and subscript were usually at 70% of the font size, so increasing the size by 33% would roughly equal the size of the regular text.

    Is that what you are trying to achieve? If yes then you could create a character style for superscript and subscript in which the text at normal font size is moved up or down to create the looks of a superscript or subscript. Then you can apply this when you need to create a super- or subscript.

    If you want to adjust the size afterwards and for OpenType fonts then I will have to leave the answer to the macro experts on this forum to tell whether that is possible with a macro or not.

    • Thanks to your attention !

      I have created a macro. but it doesn't work with CALLOUT text.

      I Post my macro... please try to correct it....

      Thanks again


      Sub subScrip()
          On Error GoTo Err_Handler
          ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "subScrip"
          Dim p As Variant
          p = ActiveShape.Text.Selection.Size
          ActiveShape.Text.Selection.Position = cdrSubscriptFontPosition
          ActiveShape.Text.Selection.Size = p * 1.35

          Exit Sub

          MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred", vbRetryCancel, "Please retry."
      End Sub
