Odd and Even master pages

Anyone had any success with this? I found they don't show up on the pages they should. Was it something fixed in a service pack? Thanks.

  • As far as I can see, they work as expected -- with or without facing pages. For example:

    In the above, red is on odd master, green is on even master and yellow is all pages.

    If a layer does not show up, consider that master layers always default to the back -- so if you have solid backgrounds on individual pages, the master layers will be hidden. If that is the problem, you will need to go to Layer Manager view (third icon in the object manager), select "current page layers only" and move the page layer behind the master pages. You need to do this once for every page that is affected. It is also possible in that view to turn off master pages on individual layers.

    I tested this in X6.4 and it is possible there may have been some problems in earlier releases, so try the attached in your version.


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