Bitmaps distort any type or vector at the bounding box when exporting to PDF

Frustrating problem that I can't seem to solve, despite reasonable expertise in pre-press.

Whenever I drop a bitmap photo on top or nearby a vector, or type, the bounding box of the bitmap distorts the type around it when exporting to PDF for prepress (x-1 or x-3). Tried every setting, but something is doing this in the conversion. Any drop shadow does the same.

To date, I've had to close-crop the bitmap bounding box so that it is no longer square shape, but rather follows the exact outline of the bitmap...very time consuming and it means I can't use a drop shadow.

  • I didn't manage to reproduce that. Perhaps you could you upload an example CDR file to illustrate the problem?

    If the file is under 256Kb you can do that in the options tab when you reply. If it is bigger than 256Kb you will need to save it to a public server such as dropbox and paste the URL here instead.

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