Problem with rich black

I have a text in my .cdr file. I use the CMYK color mode. The text I have is 0% Cyan, 0% Magenta, 0% Yellow and 100% Key.

I publish the .cdr file to pdf, with these color settings:


Then I open the .pdf file in Adobe Acrobat. I go to Tools->Output preview to see the color separation. I choose Eurostyle Coated v2 from the combobox. The I turn the checkbox with Yellow on, and the other checkboxes (for the other colors) off. The problem is, I can see the text, even though Corel Draw says it doesn't have yellow in it.

Why is this happening? How can I fix it?

Btw my file is for making an offset plate, I don't know if that's relevant to the question.

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  • You are making Acrobat do a color conversion by choosing a different output intent than it is in CorelDraw. You're likely gonna get CMY in with the K.

    You can do the color conversion in Acrobat and preserve the K, but not simply by choosing an output condition in the Output Preview window.

    If you want the Eurostyle Coated v2 to be the output intent, set up CD to use it by default instead of US Web Coated (SWOP) v2.
