Pattern Issue

Hello everyone! 

I was wondering if someone could help me out with an issue I am having?

I need to create a pattern in coreldraw with an odd shaped image (text or an image) and fit it seamlessly into an object that is also an odd size. For example the size of my object is 9.8" x 8" I want to take either text or another image and fit it into that object so that it can connect seamlessly from top to bottom and right to left.

Every time I try to do this a part of the image is cut off where it can't be and I do not know how to make it seamless.

I have samples but I can't attach images?

So basically, IS there a way to take an odd size image and use it in a pattern of an odd size shape and have it come out seamlessly? The image size does not need to be a particular size the size of the pattern shape has to stay the same.

The only thing I have found on this is that your image should be a perfect square fitting it into a pattern that is a perfect square. However I do not have that luxury.

Thank you so much for anyone's help on this.


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  • KateScratch said:
    I have samples but I can't attach images?

    If you want to attach bit images (PNG, JPG, TIF etc) you can select reply (but not quick reply) and use this icon ...

    Or you can attach a small CDR file (up to 256Kb) using the options tab ...

    Above 256Kb, you will need to store the file on a public server such as dropbox and post a link here.


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