how to transfer colors from one group of curves to another

Hi, i need some help. I'm new to corel and this is my first forum question, so ...

I have two groups of curves, one is a symbol and another is combined flags. (see picture below)


and i want to transfer colors of flags to the symbol, when it's in center of flags. (see picture below)

as a result i want the flags to be gone except the parts that are behind the symbol. for now the closest I have done is with "back minus front" tool, but it does not exactly what i want.

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  • In principle, you need to use your curve as a powerclip. If you can do that, the flag will show through the curve and will not be visible outside it.

    Test it first with a simple shape such as an ellipse if you're not familiar with powerclips, so you can understand how they are capable of working.

    But you describe your curve as a group, so it may be too complex to act as a powerclip. If it doesn't work, for further suggestions, can you upload the CDR file of your shape -- make a copy saved without a colour profile to keep the size under 256K and you can upload it on the options tab when you reply.
