Publish to PDF - HUGE files

When I "Publish to PDF" the size of the file was 30,000 KB and the quality was excellent. When I used Bullzip PDF Printer the size was 2,000 KB and the quality was not very good, even when I printed to 2400 dpi - the lines were fuzzy and not quite suitable for printing.

Is there a compromise between the two options - a PDF printer with a smaller size and with good quality?


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  • Yes, both CorelDraw and have settings which control the size and characteristics of the PDF produced.

    In Corel's case, you have a number of presets (prepress, editing, web etc) but having selected one you can go into settings and change the individual parameters.

    Custom is not a preset, it is usually the result of editing one of the standard settings. You will lose the custom settings if you select one of the other presets. But you can save a custom configuration as a new preset if you need to keep customised settings that you can return to later.


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