Snap to Objects across locked layers

slightly frustrated that even though I have locked a layer, but left it visible, I can still Snap to objects on that locked layer.   I left it visible so that I could see it, but locked it so that I couldn't mess around with it.  Hoping also that I wouldn't be allowed to snap to it either.  Oh well...


Layer 2 is my active drawing layer, but I'm snapping to objects on the layer called DOTS, which I don't want to snap to them...


Not sure there's a fix for this, but just drawing attention to it....




  • I think for every person that would want to not snap to objects on a locked layer, there's probably another person who would want it to snap.

    To take an example, a user will frequently lock the guidelines layer to avoid accidentally moving them, but guidelines are frequently used for snapping too.

    The ideal might be to make it a user configurable option, but every extra option substantially increases the number of tests that have to be performed at every software revision. Snapping I imagine is a test that can't easily be automated, so it would involve a lot more work than just the work to implement the option.

  • the most common request is to use the snap on the locked layer, but it would be an useful improvement to add an option for enable or disable "snap of this layer". 

  • Hello Paul; What I lock most of the time is a raster pic. so I can place graphics on like a full scale pic. of a truck. but try grouping what you don't want to play with and lock it that way I can see where I'm placing other object with out moving whats locked.
