Looking for a macro that can detect distance between objects.

I'm looking for a macro that can detect distance between objects. Is there one that can do that? I want to be able to give a value and then have the script search and find any objects that are closer to each other than the value specified. 


  • Actually I may have needlessly complicated things by suggesting IsOnShape as there's the wonderful SelectShapesAtPoint function. I'm including an example in the name of showing different approaches:

    Sub AreShapesClose()
        Dim S As Shape
        Dim Gap As Double
        Gap = ActiveDocument.ToUnits(20, cdrMillimeter) 'Set the gap around around our circular shape - in mm in this case
        For Each S In ActiveLayer.Shapes 'Iterate through all the shapes in our active layer
            If ActivePage.SelectShapesAtPoint(S.CenterX, S.CenterY, True, S.SizeWidth / 2 + Gap).Shapes.Count > 1 Then
                'If it has selected more shapes than the current shape in a circle around it then those other shapes are within
                'our radius - let's mark them
                ActiveSelection.Shapes.All.ApplyUniformFill CreateCMYKColor(0, 100, 100, 0)
            End If
        Next S
    End Sub

    Using this will mark all the shapes that are within the given distance (Gap) of another shape

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