Please answer me its very important thanks
A little short of time but here are some basic instructions how to create the lines:
Start by enabling suitable "Snap to" modes. I suggest Snap to Objects and Snap to Guidelines.In Options > Workspace > Snap to Objects, make sure "Show Snap location marks" and "Screen Tip" are enabled too.This gives you a good basic setup for the snap function which I find very useful in my workflow.
Create one horizontal and one vertical guideline.Use the Ellipse tool to create a circle from the guideline intersection point.Drag from the intersection (tooltip should say "intersection") and hold Shift and Ctrl while dragging. This will create a perfect circle centered exactly at the guideline intersection point.
Switch to any of the drawing tools and create a small vertical line (use Ctrl to make it perfectly vertical, or draw along the vertical guideline) that represents one of the lines in the scale.Make sure it is positioned exactly on top of the vertical guideline in the right position inside the circle.Switch to Pick tool and click the line twice to bring up the rotation handles and then drag the center of rotation mark to the guideline intersection point until it snaps.
Now it should look something like this:
Next step is to duplicate and rotate.Use the "+" sign on numeric keypad to create a duplicate of the line.Without deselecting, rotate the line with the desired value, let's say it is 5 degrees clockwise. Do this by typing -5 in the rotation box in Property Bar and hit the Enter key.Again, without deselecting the new line, use Ctrl+D (Duplicate) to create more copies(or Ctrl+R to "Repeat", both work).You'll find that each copy will be rotated another 5 degrees and the rotation center will be pefectly aligned to the circle center (guideline intersection).
Keep repeating, either with Ctrl+D or Ctrl+R until you've got the number of lines you need.Create all the different scale lines the same way.
It will take some math to get it right but now you know some basic steps.
Good luck.
One more tip: Import the image you posted, put it behind all objects and lock it to avoid accidentally selecting it. This will serve as a template. Remember to use guidelines and mathematics to get the objects, lines and text right though The template is just a rough "sketch", all precision works should be done numerically.
And finally, the best way to learn is to practice.
There're several ways to do the same. You can use a line, rotate using the Transform Docker (Alt+F8), such as 5º / 35 steps, then combine all lines and Trim using a circle.