Print Merge and Imposition Tool on Double Sided Cards Help Needed

Hey there, groovy cats

Maybe you can help me out.  I'm making some business cards for a client.  Side 1 is his regular business card.  And Side 2 is a free offer/coupon kinda deal from 1 of 3 businesses ($100.00 restaurant gift card, free house cleaning, free massage.)  In order to keep track of stuff he wants each set numbered 1 to 100.  No problem, right?  Well obviously there is one because I can't get this to work.

When I create my numbers the problem I run into is that everything comes up all screwed up in the Imposition Tool. The cards are 24 up, double sided, on a 12"x18" press sheet.  And instead of it being all the Side 1s on one side and all the Side 2s on the other, I'm getting this checkerboard sort of deal.  So it'll be SIDE1/SIDE2/SIDE1 and so on.

So this means that If I print and cut these, I'll have a cards with Side 1 on both sides, and a card with Side 2 on both sides and two different numbers on each side.

Obviously, I don't want to hand insert 600 pages worth of cards, any ideas? 

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