lost my effects flyout from the toolbar

Hello all, I have lost my Effects flyout from the toolbar. I somehow clicked on it, dragged it and it just disappeared. I have tried to get it back by going into the commands, but with no luck. Do you know what I might have done, and how to fix it? Thanks for any and all help.

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  • I think you must be talking about photopaint, which really belongs in the other topic at http://community.coreldraw.com/talk/coreldraw_graphics_suite_x6/f/706. Though I can't manage to accidentally drag the effects tools anywhere in X6.

    Anyway, you can reset CorelDraw or Photopaint to their default state, by closing the program, holding down the F8 key, restarting the program with the mouse and not releasing F8 until the screen confirms the reset.

    The problem with that is that you also lose any settings that you have intentionally changed, so if you'd prefer not to do that it might be useful to give us a screen dump showing exactly what you do see and perhaps we can recognise a problem that can be fixed on its own.
