Seeking Suggestion

I am learning Corel Draw  in a training center. I am using both Corel X5 & X6 for this purpose, but I observed that Corel X5 is not performing well while working, like whenever I open a job in X5 first it starts giving message not responding  further while zooming it suddenly stops for a while , whereas such errors are  not occuring in X6. Kindly suggest should I completely  migrate to X6?

  • At this time, it should be better to use X7 instead but if you have X6 it's better enough for you, the there's no problem if you migrate to X6 from X5, all are advantadges. Anyway it's important to know why X5 show those messages, since it was a stable and powerful version too. Maybe the file had extra-stuff such as too much Text&Graphics Styles, too much Color Styles or too much saved views.