Imported files to new computer - missing fonts have been updated but not showing within the file.

I just migrated to a new computer. I transferred all cdr files...when I tried to open some, I got the "Missing Font" box and chose Temporary Substitution.  Now, I have transferred all fonts to the new computer but all my files are still showing the substituted font and not the correct (original) font which I installed from the old computer.  It does not give the Temporary Font suggestion box; it just opens the file with the previously substituted fonts. Thoughts to change it back to the original font without going through and changing each font in the file?

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  • That should not have happened, though I've probably never tested temporary font substitution in X6.

    Are the fonts that you used as substitutes also "intentionally" used in the same document? Example -- if your original document had JoeSoapSans and you accepted WonderSans as a substitute for it, does the document also use WonderSans other than as a substitute for JoeSoapSans?

    If it does not, then one answer would be to temporarily delete (not just uninstall) WonderSans, re-open the document and you should be prompted for a font to substitute in place of WonderSans. Choose the original JoeSoapSans as a permanent substitution and you should in theory be back where you started.

    But if you did already have WonderSans in the original document, then it would be hard to automatically determine which WonderSans elements should stay and which should revert to JoeSoapSans.

    At this point, we hope that you might still have those documents on the old computer and can re-copy them from there.