Is There A Way To Merge (Not Append) Two CDR Files?

Hello. I'm using the PrintMerge feature to make signs for a retail store. I have two separate files--one with the entire sign except the price, and a separate CDR file with just the prices. When the prices change, I would like to create just the CDR with the prices and then merge them with the other sign file.

The "merge" is where I'm having problems. This isn't importing/appending one CDR behind the other. I need the two files to blend together with the CDR prices file layering into the main file. The macro would have to, I think, step through both files, find the prices, then copy or move them into the other CDR file in a page-to-page process.

I hope I've explained everything clearly. Anyone have any idea how to accomplish this? Thanks!


  • MWHarris said:
    I need the two files to blend together with the CDR prices file layering into the main file.

    I think you could do a print merge. Check this video. The prices would be in a separate Excel or CSV file that replaces "fields" inside your coreldraw template. If you "merge to file" then the final generated file would have updated prices, keeping your template safe. Maybe I can try a test for you tonight and make a quick video.

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