What this BULL from "support" when the question is simple and the solution should be well documented!

Ian (Corel)

Aug 3, 06:50 EDT


Thank you for contacting Corel Customer Support.

Unfortunately your product version is no longer supported. Because the computing environment changes so quickly, it’s very difficult for us to maintain older versions of software as they do occasionally run into some issues when installed on new operating systems.

That being said, I would like to offer you a suggestion to the issue presented.

Corel distributes software in a variety of formats, each of which are licensed for specific uses and have specific transfer requirements. Many software components are limited from redistribution through "Not For Resale" or "Not For Retail Or OEM Distribution" licensing. These components are generally distributed for promotional purposes, and are licensed for demonstration, testing, or evaluation only. They are not complete, retail software packages, and are therefore not eligible for an upgrade.

CorelDRAW x6 is not compatible with Windows 10. I suggest that you upgrade to CorelDRAW X8. If you are interested, I have spoken to our Sales Department to give you a good deal.

This response insults the intelligence!

I've had to reinstall after a disk failure and I'm already "not happy Jan"!

It's a very simple issue with software and the roadblocks of the security system Corel have put in place to (*&^%(^%$ us off.

X6 is installed.

When I loaded SP1 I wasn't expecting the damn Spanish Inquisition about my user details.

SP1 asked for the details, I didn't provide them but it installed anyway.

Then SP4 throw a spack attack...

There is a problem

Unfortunately, we were unable to verify your product status, which prevents you from accessing product updates or using online content.

Despite being logged in!

Now I would think this was a question for the forum as it relates to software licensing.

AND IT SURE A (*&^%*# has nothing to do with Windows 10.

What it does have to do with is a litigious attitude of support that is risibly fallacious customer service!

If this isn't simple to resolve then the whole licensing system is screw loose!


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