Corel X7 Error 38

I have X4 installed on my PC (Windows 7 Ultimate)

Today I installed today (for the 1st time) a trial version of X6 to see if the Export feature had been improved, it has been, I looked to see how much to upgrade when I noticed X7 is now available.

I uninstalled X6 and installed 32bit version of X7, when I 1st click on the Corel Icon I get the Splash box, but it the goes away after “Installing user interface” and then nothing

If I click on it again I get a Error 38 message about reinstall etc. (which I have done a number of times)

Corel License Validation Service is stopped and if I manually start it, it stops again as soon as I try to start Corel.

My X4 still works.

Is there a solution?

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