Is there anyone out there who still CUSTOM makes Corel Macros?

Hi all,

I've read into the guides and tried to do everything myself, but I just dont have the time to learn or understand any of this. I'm now looking to commission someone to do the work for me.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to find someone who still makes Corel macros?



  • Hi,

    What are you looking for?

    Macro for Variable Color Replacer?

    Check my uploaded movie.

    - Replace Old color from Old Palette to New Color from New Palette.

    - Color index no. 1 from OLD.XML will be replaced by Color Index No. 1 from NEW.XML,

    and so for all color index on OLD.XML.

    - Can be applied to Uniform, Fountain and Outline color

    - The index from OLD and NEW palette must be arranged correctly.

    You've found someone out there :)





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