Graphics Loading very slow in X7

I tried opening up a project in my CorelDraw x7 and it is loading very slow!  I JUST bought a custom build computer with 16GB and fast processor, so it should not be doing this.  I tried opening up the same project in illustrator and it loads just fine.

When I try and open in Corel,  it loads every object and layer of object one at a time.  When I try to move an object it loads everything on the screen one at a time again.

It would be very difficult to work on anything with this issue.  Any ideas what is causing this?  I'm thinking its a corel issue since it opens up fast in illustrator.

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  • <--- take it from Expert !
    change ur windows hard disk to SSD and all problems are over ...
    i wonder how some Techs here replay and say install windows update ... LOL
    i can load corel draw file size 300m in 4 sec . and corel startup needs 1 sec & of cource i have X7 with 2000 fonts installed
    all corel problems is about the loading , and thats a problem corel cant fix because they dont listen to users
    im a user right ? but i have knowledge more than they think .
    to corel engineers --> to make corel draw startup faster cache the fonts names and dont count them every startup . and also GMC and any plugins , just like google do they give u answer in milliseconds ! why ? because they cache all the answers and replay from Ready list .
    thats it corel draw "engineers".

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