Copy/paste taking a long time recently

Greetings all.

Recently (last 1-2 days) CorelDraw x7 has been taking a lot longer than normal to copy/cut.

All other functions seem completely normal. Pasting seems almost instant.

I have tested on a new file with just a square, and it's the same delay (7-8 seconds) as when I copy a huge bit of artwork.

I've made no alterations to any settings, installed any new software or otherwise altered my system in the last few days, so I'm at a loss to explain it.

I have installed the latest update (Current version is

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

  • I solved my problem. I read another post on here about a similar issue, the solution to that was to remove a printer.


    I simply opened the printer drivers and removed it from the system - Copying instantly returned to normal. I also remembered that A few days before I posted my problem above I'd recently added a network printer to print something off (which I don't usually do).


    So the issue is directly related to how Corel handles network printers in my case - no idea why, but that's the problem - no other software on my computer had any problems at all during this period, just Corel and nothing helped except removing that printer (which admittedly is a fairly old model now!).

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