saving my work

bit of a problem with X7. Multi-page graphic document won't save or save as. No error message, background icon shows program is in a save loop and won't complete. Any suggestions?

Trying not to lose my new work


  • I have no auto backup process running. And frankly, I do not understand Harry's question about  a "background icon". I don't know what that is or where to find it. I'll have to file an issue with Corel Support and see if I can get this resolved. But before I do that I will reinstall the program to see if that will help.

    Best regards

    Sent from my iPad
  • Hi, Bjorn, the icon for save, export, etc is placed at the bottom right side of the screen. If the file is small, you don't see the icon because is too fast, only wth bigger files you will notice it

    BjornKarlstrom said:
    I have no auto backup process running.

    How do you know it? have you disabled the Auto-backup? there's no way to know when the program is doing an auto-backup

    BjornKarlstrom said:
    before I do that I will reinstall the program to see if that will help.

    I don't believe that uninstall and reinstall will change anything. I suppose that the program is currently installed, i tkink you should check your system, ie a running program, an antivirus, or something that can cause conflict with the background task. If you want, disable the auto-backup under Tools/options/workspace/save menu, and also disable bakground tasks under Tools/options/Global

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