How to create a spray list?

The X7 help system only gives a very simple example of how to do this whereas I want to create a list that has multiple entries which can be selected using the random selection feature when spraying.

  • 1. Have your different shapes on the page.

    2. Choose the Artistic Media tool (I). On the AM property bar, select the Spray list icon, choose Custom category, New List, Randomly or any other properties you want the new list to have.

    3. Open the Artistic Media docker. Effects>Artistic Media.

    4. Select one of your shapes and then click the Save button at the bottom of the AM docker.

    5. Select a second shape and then click the Add to Spray list button on the property bar. 

    6. Repeat step #5 for each shape you want to add to the list.

    To see your new list click the Spraylist options button.

    All that said...the AM tool is still a VERY quirky thing. Newly created lists do not always show up under the Custom drop down on the property bar, and sometimes the tool reverts to a the previously used list.  You may need to close CD and reopen to refresh the lists.

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