Empty pdf after publish

We have a very strange problem.
Sometimes, but not all the time, when publishing a pdf (publish selection only) the pdf file is empty.

The size of the pdf is exaclty the size of the selection, but there is no content in it.
I've tried al pdf versions, all settings. But nothing helps.

Selecting the design, click on publish pdf. Settings are: (selection only).
Result: Empty file.
Do exacly the same (select again everything I want to publish).
result: Empty file.
Do it again... yes! Score. Now the pdf is ok.

Sometimes I have to do it 5 times to get the pdf out.
Sometimes it works the first time.

  • I have seen empty PDFs too, think it started with one of the updates but it may have been there since the first version of X7.
    Anyway, I have no idea why it happens but Corel has been notified about the issue.
    Hopefully they'll find the cause and fix it.
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