Artistic text

When I want to type artistic text the first time on a new project, the windows pop up and ask me if I want to change the default to the new font and point size. I type some text and then I want to change font and point size. I select a new font but the default window does not appear nor does it appear when I change the point size. When I start typing, it reverts back to the first font and point size.  Whats up? X5 never did that, only happened since I upgraded to X7.

Any help would be appreciated.

  • The default dialog appears if you 1. select the Text tool and 2. change any text setting before you click in the drawing area.
    Note that no previously written text can be selected when you do this.

    If you click first and then change the text settings, it will only affect the text you're about to write now, and it returns back to default text settings next time you use the Text tool.

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