Corel Draw X7 crashes every time I try to open a file, I need help

I know my files can open, I have a Thinkpad that I can open Corel Draw X7 files.

I recently purchased a new computer, Win 10 Pro, 24 GB RAM, i5 quad core, dedicated video card and SSD.

I was able to open files with regular hard drive and Win 10 Home, I made 2 upgrades, SSD and Win 10 Pro and files crash every time I open. I have tried multiple files, same situation.

What can I do to resolve this issue, temp files are deleted and files work on laptop, I purchased desktop to get benefit of 2550X1440 resolution, faster quad core.

Can anyone shed light on this issue, I have open ticket with Corel, recently they reset my # of computers to have app installed, maybe this is causing the issue

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