I fail to understand the bezier system in CD

I'm an Illustrator user just starting out with CD and theres a basic thing that I dont understand how to accomplish.

I want to create a number of nodes and then convert one of them to a curve by pulling out two bezier handles from one the node.

In illustrator, I would use the pen tool to create the anchor points and then click on one of them using the convert anchor point tool to pull out the bezier handles.

Whats the equivalent method in CD?

I realize that this is a really basic question, but I looked at several tutorials and they only discussed other methods of creating curved lines.

(Such as pulling out the handles WHILE creating the node using the pen tool. Or using the fillet option, thus creating two separate nodes.)

Can someone help me out?

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  • Hello cropher; I'm sure you will like Corel once you get  up to Speed with it. As said above the answer is on the menu bar. All you have to do is play with the commands until you are use to them. Come often and help and learn things about Corel. I have been using Corel since 1990, and I learn something I didn't know about AllThe Time. This is a GRATE site for learning.

    Have Fun, George
