Coreldraw X7 Crashes when exporting to PDF with some files


I am new to the community so please bear with me. I am experiencing a new problem when exporting files to PDF where coreldraw x7 crashes. I have tried to investigate what is causing this. My only guess is using bitmaps and Gaussian blur as drop shadows.

I can share a document so someone can take a look. What is the process. Where do I upload?

Thank you

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  • Try eliminating one abject at a time until you get a good PDF, replace everything except the last object, the one where you got a good PDF if you still get a good PDF then you have the offending object, if not then there are more them one bad objects.  So back to removing the ones you put back in one at a time.

    Transparent drop shadows work fine in CorelDRAW X7 PDF

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