Corel Draw X7 using excessive CPU?

I have been using Corel Draw since X4 and have had a problem start up. I recently upgraded my Windows 10 install with the November 2015 update. I am now finding that when I load a file to work on in CorelDraw, my cpu load for Corel goes up to about a constant 42-45%  and the overall machine load cycles between 75-96% which slows the overall machine down to a crawl. Is anyone else seeing this problem?Why would Corel use so much CPU just sitting there waiting for me. This is happening with a file loaded and I'm not doing anything to it. I'm looking at upgrading my laptop and want to avoid this problem on the new one. Thanks!

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  • Hi Math Teacher,

    It would seem that the November 10 update caused the problem although that may not be Microsoft's fault. Can it be undone.

    1. If you're running X4 on Windows 10, there may be a compatibility problem. X4 was not designed for Windows 10.
    2. I don't know anything about Windows 10, but earlier versions of Windows had a compatibility option. See if there is one that will run X4.
    3. You seem to be familiar with taskmgr.exe. Check if there are any "applications" which are running that you did not open yourself. Anti-virus programs are a frequent culprit.

    It's best to leave the other tabs to Microsoft.

    4. You may also want to disable all start ups in the start up tab in msconfig.exe. They will start up when called upon.

    I've ducked all these issues by staying with Windows 7 and CDGS X6.

    Good luck.

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