A couple of questions from a newbie.

Please bear with me!

  1. I'm trying to fit text around an arc in the free 60-day Coreldraw X8 but no luck. 
    I've created a circle and some text, selected them with [shift] so both items are selected.
    Looking at a few posts on Youtube they say to select Text and there's a dropdown with Fit text to path.
    Not here there isn't!

    What am I doing wrong?

  2. If I can do this successfully it might be worth purchasing the full version.

Apparently there are various prices - Student Versions and suchlike.

So, I attempted to do that, but clicking on Buy Now just takes me back to Download Trial!

Below is a copy of what I'm trying to do - the pic on the LH side is the back of a clock case, the RH is a start of what I'm attempting to do.



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