Count the number of objects by name

We are designers of sporting events on the open roads and currently use corel to design these schemes inserting pre-drawn elements on to maps etc.

I am looking for a way to automate the counting of these objects by there name to give me totals rather than using the 'Look for Object Names or Styles' function in Find Objects which I have to repeat 60+ times to find each object name.

i.e. Circle 1 = 20, Circle 2 = 23, Square 3 = 33

Ideally it would be great if these were displayed in a table or just being able to copy and paste in excel would be perfect.

Does anyone now of a solution of possible code that would do this?

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 7 years ago

    To copy in clipboard, you can paste in excel, and a generic code for get all shapes

    CGSaddon download

    C# Code

        public void CountShapeByName()
                Dictionary<string, int> s = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                ShapeRange shapes = app.ActiveDocument.SelectableShapes.All();
                for (int i = 1; i <= shapes.Count; i++)
                    if (!s.ContainsKey(shapes[i ].Name))
                        s.Add(shapes[i ].Name, 1);
                        s[shapes[i ].Name]++;
                string msg = "";
                foreach (var item in s)
                    msg += item.Key + "\t";
                msg += System.Environment.NewLine;
                foreach (var item in s)
                    msg += item.Value + "\t";
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