Does the Document Resolution have any affect on file size and/or rendering speed?

Some time back I had set my default Document Resolution to 72dpi thinking it would speed things up a tad. Now I realize by doing so some of my drop shadows aren't as optimal quality as they could be on output. Tested in this manner. With the res set at 72 make a small 1" circle filled and no outline. Put a drop shadow on it and export out as test 1.png then set res at 300 and export the same as test 2.png. Now import both and compare.

I have since set my default back to 300dpi. 

I sometimes have very large and complex vehicle wraps designed to scale that include lots of drop shadows, lenses, high res images etc.These files are usually around 300MB and can sometimes be time consuming upon opening and saving.

So the question is whether or not the Document Resolution has any bearing on the redraw/rendering times?

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