Smart Fill fills transparent areas that are INSIDE another object (overlapping objects?) and it should not (laser engraving)

Hi Corel pros!

First of all I need to admit that I'm not a graphics person and I learned some parts of Coreldraw to convert some JPGs to CDR so I can give it to engraving services.

What they told me is that if the Smart Fill fills in areas that are not supposed to be filled it's gonna go wrong and laser will engrave those areas too

which is exactly what is happening to me:

All is well and good, until :

What I did to kinda work around this problem is create small notches of white line to connect those areas to the background :

But I'm sure this is not the "professional" way to do this

So could you please help?

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  • First, make sure there are no extra objects on top of the white areas, but I think there should not be after "removing the background color from entire image" when tracing.
    This should be enough to avoid engraving the white areas, I guess.
    If not, try to combine the white areas with the black background object(s), to create a black object with holes instead of white objects on top of a black object.

    Not familiar with laser engraving but I assume this should do the trick.

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