Disappearing eps file imported into X7

I use to be able to import eps files into X7 with no problem, now all of a sudden I can not. The files are sent to me via e-mail and I use the "save as" and save them to a file. When I import the file nothing happens. It is like I haven't imported anything. Help, please!

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  • Why are you using "save as" to "save them to a file"? What are you receiving, because the EPS should just be an attachment to your email that you download from your mail server to a local directory.

    In CorelDRAW, you should just be able to open the EPS.

    How many kb or Mb is the typical EPS you are playing with?

    When the file is open in CorelDRAW, and you select all, and you zoom out, are objects actually selected? Is preview turned off for an otherwise functional EPS?

    Something in your workflow doesn't sound right.


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