How do I get the export size of a png to be exported? Corel Draw X8 in VBscript.

I have made a VB application that has the ability to set the dimensions of the image (visible layers) being exported. However, I want the user to be able to know the starting size before modification. How do I get the exact size of the PNG to be exported?

Thank you Sean

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  • how do I define a shape range that contains all the data to be exported via code

    I was thinking of something like this:

    Dim srForExport as ShapeRange
    Set srForExport = ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@com.layer.printable='true'")


    Dim srForExport as ShapeRange
    Set srForExport = ActiveSelectionRange.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@com.layer.printable='true'")

    ...depending on what content you want to export.