What happened to my thumbnails?

I just installed X8, but now all of my thumbnails in windows explorer are the Corel logo instead of the art preview thumbnail.

How can I fix this?

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  • Hi Sean,

    We've been going through this for the last thousand years.

    If all else fails, install Mystic Thumbs ($50).

    1. Mystic Thumbs will produce .cdr thumbnails in Windows Explorer. It will also create .psd, .pspimage and about 100 other thumbnails in Windows Explorer.

    2. Mystic Thumbs will NOT produce Photopaint's .cpt thumbnails. Mystic Thumbs has offered to do so. However, Corel stubbornly refuses to release the specification to them. There are several alternatives to missing .cpt thumbnails.

    a. Drop back to an earlier version.
    b. Save layered files in Adobe's .psd format.
    c. Live without .cpt thumbnails.
    d. Yell at Corel to release the .cpt specification to Mystic Thumbs. (joke)

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