How to disable the request to create a Corel account on every start of Corel Draw?

Our company has a site licence for Corel Draw. On evers start of Corel Draw I get this window:

We want to skip this completely and forever to fulfill the german laws according privacy. How can this be done?

No Data
  • Hi,

    I work at Corel and I'd like to help by understanding the problem you're trying to correct.

    Can you make it clear what you want to happen?

    This is what I assume, tell me if I am correct.
    1. You are using a Corporate serial number?
    2. Did you install from the Retail build using directly the Corporate serial number or did you install from a corporate deployment?
    3. When you launch the application, what were you told will happen, what were you expecting to happen?
    4. Every Corporate serial number is given and email in which your account was associated to, are you aware of what that was? Are you the administrator of the account?

    If you need more information and depending on your responses I may ask for some log files to get more details.

    Brian Fraser
    CorelDRAW QA