CorelDRAW X8 keeps crashing.

CorelDraw X8 just crashes for no apparent reason. HELP !

I can't replicate the issue, nor do I get any feedback after shut down.

Thanks in advance,


  • Sometimes you need to observe why your CorelDraw X8 is crashing and avoid doing that (at least until the Corel Team sorts out the bugs, etc).

    I don't understand why some people's CorelDraw is crashing at startup or because of font issues. I suspect it might be due to software updates and such.

    One of the reasons why my CorelDraw crashes is when I hit save and then immediately afterwards I try to export to jpeg. So now, I watch the little saving icon at the bottom right. Once those background processes are done, then it is safe to export and CorelDraw does not crash.

    Sometimes I have complex vector drawings powerclipped into another Vector Drawing and I try to "crop" the powerclipped drawing. Or I try to powerclip a complex vector drawing into a grouped set of vectors instead of individual shapes, and it crashes. So in these instances I learnt to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).

    Yes there are bugs, but it is possible to figure out the causes and work your way around them.
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