Upside down image editing anyone

My what junk Corel makes... on the edge stupid in the arena of software development.

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  • Tom
    I think you should just tell all your users to go to something else for software. You developed the plugins for corel knowing you are a third party and Corel support their own product only and thanks to Microsoft have many issues with the OS not just their own.

    This has been an issue for a long time and is an Adobe save issue from certain versions of their software we had it in illustrator csv went to cs6 it was gone.

    If you don't want to properly research problems you have inside Corel then drop it would be your solution.

    Be glad you don't have to deal with Microsoft, a friend of mine has a software package the requires a team of 12 just to sort problems after Windows updates microsoft still don't comply with their own coding process things get left behind.

    Ross Blair